Monday, September 25, 2017

Agenda: Week 4 10/25/17-10/29, 2017


  • Impact of Technology Argument:

  • Individual: research one of the following technologies and write up your findings in a paper (approximately one page). 

  • Choose from these topics:
      • Glass
      • Wheel
      • Printing press
      • Car
      • Computer
      • Household appliances
      • Battery
      • Vaccines

  •  Include the following:

        • Name of Technology:
        • Brief Description
        • Approximate Dates
        • Ways it changed society
        • Sources
      • Due Wednesday.
    • Group: compare your research and determine which technology has had the greatest impact on our society. Create a presentation that convinces us that your argument is correct. 
      • Due Monday, 10/1.


    • Work on paper



    • Sample Paper 
    • In-class example: 
    • Header: last name and auto page number
    • Spacing and font
    • Tab for titles, paragraphs
    • Set the tab for block quotes, citations (hanging indent)


    • Group: compare your research and determine which technology has had the greatest impact on our society. Create a presentation that convinces us that your argument is correct. 
    • Use a basic argument structure: claim based on reasons supported by evidence
    • Due Monday, 10/1.


    • Group: compare your research and determine which technology has had the greatest impact on our society. Create a presentation that convinces us that your argument is correct. 
    • Use a basic argument structure: claim based on reasons supported by evidence
    • Due Monday, 10/1.

    Monday, September 18, 2017

    Agenda: Week 3 9/18–9/22, 2017


    • Notes on Defining Technology
    • Complete your document on your technology definition and submit (see Google Classroom)
    • Begin work on Technology Family Tree showing how technology builds on itself:
      • Demo: Harry Potter and the Tech Family Tree
      • Create a Tech Family Tree for your cell phone (due Wednesday)
        • Use LucidChart
        • Group project; be able to list who contributed what
        • Show what technological innovations were necessary to produce your cell phone
        • Each innovation gets its own bubble on the chart
        • Include the approximate year (or century) for each innovation
        • Explain your connections
        • To get an "A", go back at least 2000 years
        • Bonus points for including images


    Look at this website on technology timelines and then finish your family tree.
    Then, turn in your technology definition assignment.

    Monday, September 11, 2017

    Agenda: Week 2

    • Question: what is technology and why does it matter?
      • Research
      • Compare and evaluate three different definitions 
      • Include examples of things that are and are not technology
      • Present with a slideshow
    • Finish presentations; take notes.
    • Present
    • Debrief and add to worksheet

    • Read through this website: comic about technology (note: one of the links is out of date)
    • Refine and complete group definition worksheet