Monday, October 2, 2017

Agenda: Week 5 10/2-10/6, 2017


  • Finish working on group technology presentation: compare your research and determine which technology has had the greatest impact on our society. Create a presentation that convinces us that your argument is correct. 
  • Use a basic argument structure: claim based on reasons supported by evidence
  • Upload your slideshow to Google Classroom
  • Your presentation will be successful if:
    • You make a clear claim about the the most important technology invented.
    • You give reasons that are relevant to the claim and show that you understand the significance of your technology
    • You provide evidence that your reasons are true (including sources where needed)
    • Rubric here


  • Presentations


  • 2nd hour: student count day
  • Finish/redo speeches?
  • Quiz on Friday (look at last year)
    • Recognize and apply the definition of technology
      • identify the the different parts of the definition
      • classify examples as technology or not technology
    • Recognize and apply the 4 characteristics of technology
      • Be able to choose the correct answer to a question based on one of the 4 characteristics
    • Presentation skills:
      • Personal
      • Structural : intro, body, conclusion; claim, reason, evidence, counter argument; transitions.
      • Content: facts, connections, why it matters/relevance


  • New groups! 
    • Create a document that contains:
      • contact info
      • roles (facilitator, recorder)
      • agreements
  • Project Entry doc.
  • K/NTKs
  • Quiz review
