Monday, November 6, 2017

Agenda, Week 10: 11/6-11/10, 2017


  • Grade Check
  • Why do people hack?
  • Group: Internet Security Issues Research
    • Research:
      • Malware
      • Phishing
      • Password Security
    • Explain:
      • What is it?
      • How does it work?
      • Why does someone do it?
  • Quiz on Wednesday on how the internet works. You may have one page of notes with you.


  • Photograph your internet model
  • Finish Internet Security research
  • Quiz on how the internet works on Wednesday


  • Quiz (answer form)
  • Turn in your group notes in Google Classroom.
  • Go to Google Classroom and open the assignment called "Class notes on Internet Security." Copy your research notes into the appropriate sections in each of the documents.


  • Class notes on Internet Security
  • Photograph your internet project.
